Saturday Mar 1, 2025
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM CST
March 1st, 2025 11am-3pm
The Garage Bikes + Brews
109 W Cedar St, River Falls, WI 54022
Registration is $40
Join us for the 5th Annual Garage Grinder 240. This fun event gets you outside, biking, tossing cornhole bags, and raising a brew to a chance at winning the title of Garage Grinder 240 2025!
Why 240??? Here's how this event works:
You'll have 4 hours, or 240 Minutes to do as few or as many loops, as you can, around Lake George on The White Pathway. At the completion of each loop, you'll dismount your bike and be required to get a bag in the hole (cornhole) for the number of loops you just completed. So...1 loop = 1 bag in the hole. 2 loops = 2 bags in the hole...and so on. Race will go from 11AM - 3PM.
Stop when you want and enjoy brews while cheering other crazy cyclists on! This is a fun event meant for all!
Packet pick-up is at 10:30 AM.
Registration is $40 and includes 2025 Garage Grinder 240 stocking hat, pint of a brew and a half of a pizza.
Same-day registrations will be available; however, will not guarantee a 2025 Garage Grinder stocking hat!
Printed courtesy of – Contact the River Falls Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau for more information.
215 W Maple Street, River Falls, WI 54022 – (715) 425-2533 –