Sheep Dog Heroes Turkey Trot
Date and Time
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
8:00 AM - 11:30 AM CST
November 23, 8:00AM - 11:30AM
Rush River Brewery
5K with T-shirt
Price changes in 15 days 8 hours
5K without T-shirt
Price changes in 15 days 8 hours
Virtual Sheep Dog Heroes Turkey Trot with T-shirt
Price changes in 15 days 8 hours
Virtual Sheep Dog Heroes Turkey Trot without T-shirt
Price changes in 15 days 8 hours
Contact Information
Lisa Hungiville
Send Email
We will be co-hosting with Rush River Brewery at their location in River Falls, WI. What a great way to start off the holidays with a 5K fun walk, jog, or run and a Virtual 5K which can be completed at any location!
You’ll get a pint, medal and a T-shirt for signing up and joining us for a fun filled morning! Cut off for t-shirt will be 6 November 2023. Whether you join us in-person or take part virtually, we invite you to enjoy a fun run, walk, network, and at Rush River Brewery on Thanksgiving morning! Lots of fun things at the Brewery this year: there will be a silent auction, warm soup and all winners will be called before we leave the brewery to eat a delicious meal!
Come out and enjoy the morning with us!
All prices are subject to taxes.
See you November 23rd!