Date and Time
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM CST
Saturday, November 11, 2023/10am-4pm
River Falls Moose Lodge 594 Family Center
620 N. Clark Street
River Falls, WI 54022
Meal cost is $10 per person with various ticket sales for door prizes raffles, baked goods and silent auction bidding.
Contact Information
Kenneye Vorwald
Send Email

Pruss benefit is held on Veterans day, Saturday, November 11, 2023 hosted at the River Falls Moose Lodge. Bob and Callie Pruss lost everything in a house fire in July and sadly their puppy Rosie. They are active Moose members of lodges in MN and WI, and hold a board position at our lodge. They are known for their charitable contributions to people in need and have often gone out of their way to help others. NOW THEY NEED OUR HELP! The public is invited to come and support this fundraising event and help a wonderful couple restart their lives. Let's show them the love this community has for our neighbors! Music to kick off the day as doors open at 10am with benefit ending at 4pm. Food available to purchase from 11am-2pm, choice of Chicken or Rib meal including sides. Baked goods for sale to satisfy that sweet tooth and snacks available from 2:30pm till gone. Silent auction, raffles, hourly drawings held throughout the day. All funds go directly to Bob and Callie. Can't make it? Donations can be mailed to: River Falls Moose Lodge, Attn: Pruss Fund, 620 N. Clark Street, River Falls, WI 54022
We are accepting items donated for raffles and silent auction prior to November 1st. Contact Kenneye 651-260-7390 by text or calling. Thank you