Date and Time
Sunday Oct 8, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM CDT
Sundays Oct 8 - 29th, 11 - 12:15
1370 Hosford St, Hudson WI
$117 for the 4 week series or $36 for a drop-in.
Contact Information
Laura Ritchie
Send Email
Are you feeling out of balance in any part of your life?
Ancient Yoga philosophy teaches us how our energy centers (chakras) correlate to and affect our physical, mental, and emotional balance and wellbeing.
In this 4-week series, we’ll tap into yogic wisdom – asana (physical postures), pranayama (breath work), meditation, and more – so you can learn more about yourself...where you may be out of balance and easy practices to regain balance.
No Yoga experience necessary.
$117 for the 4 week series or $36 for a drop-in.