Date and Time
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM CDT
July 16 at 10:00am-12:30pm
Kinnickinnic River
Price is $65.00
Contact Information
Michelle Pagel
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Kayaking the Upper Kinni
Come and join us July 16 for a fun filled time on the Upper Kinni. We will park at the Kinnickinnic River Fishing parking (sandlot across from Aldi's). We will be kayaking the Upper Kinni which is approximately two hours of excitement. This is a great river for beginners and those that want to take things a little slower.
Event starts at 10:00am; however, please be there at 9:45. Price of event is $65.00.
I need to know by 10 July (email: to ensure we enough kayaks. If you bring your own kayak, there will a small fee($15) to bring you back to the starting point; Venmo Lisa Hungiville @ Wickner. If you have a question contact Michelle at (651) 373-2560.
Hope you can join us. See you there!